Your Gateway to Healing with The Golden Path

Embodied holistic coaching and therapy to empower you on your journey to heal your mind, body and spirit.

At Nicky Chanot Holistic Coaching, our mission is to guide individuals on their journey to healing, self-empowerment, and living a life aligned with their soul's purpose. We are dedicated to helping you break free from the shackles of trauma, self-doubt, and past struggles, providing the support and tools necessary to embark on a transformative path toward joy, happiness, and self-leadership.

The Golden Path

Do you find your life spiralling out of control, heading in an unwanted direction?

Perhaps you’re constantly embroiled in drama, always feeling “init,” or stuck in a never-ending fog of fight or flight responses, grappling with mental health challenges, and haunted by recurring negative thoughts or past traumas that continue to affect your daily life. If any of this resonates with you, Nicky is the coach who can guide you out of the chaos.

Nicky understands that lingering shame and guilt from experiences like single parenthood, business losses, debt, or any other personal setbacks often trace back to childhood traumas. These deeply ingrained emotions can persist until they are somatically addressed and healed in your cellular memory. Nicky possesses the expertise to assist you in this profound healing journey.

Drawing from a wealth of intuitive and somatic modalities, coupled with seven years of experience helping individuals just like you, Nicky will be your steadfast companion on the path to positive change. Together, you will shatter self-limiting beliefs, conquer emotional challenges, and liberate yourself from the grip of unhelpful cycles once and for all.
Experience the transformation you deserve with The Golden Path.


About Nicky

Your Compass on the Journey to Healing and Empowerment.
Explore her inspiring journey and the transformative approach she brings to The Golden Path. To delve into Nicky’s full bio and learn more about her experiences and expertise.